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Consultancy & Training

The challenge of bringing FDA approved novel drugs to the market can seem enormous. In 2018, only 59 got FDA approved to sell on the market. Companies, large and small, have to balance cost, know-how, and return on investment while simultaneously increasing patient welfare. The TRACER team offers world-class guidance to smoothen the drug development process and strengthen industry strategy.

Drug Development Consultancy.

With our consultancy services you have acces to TRACER’s experienced team of top-notch scientists, clinicians, business developers, project management team and scientific advisory board. TRACER provides drug development consultancy services related to the use of:

  1. Clinical molecular imaging in drug development
  2. Clinical translation in all phases I-III of optical tracer development including pharmacy, chemistry, imaging technology and clinical study design
  3. Strategy development for start-ups in business development and acquiring fast-track first in-human data
  4. Strategy planning towards funding agencies and investors for applying the microdosing concept and
  5. Training of project teams in the execution of fluorescence-guided imaging for surgery, pathology and endoscopy in order to guarantee the highest quality of data retrieval and image analyses

Besides access to a large patient population by its strategic clinical partners, TRACER has access to state-of-the-art facilities including skills-centers within its European and USA clinical network for training and validation purposes.

Training & workshops.

We believe in the power of molecular imaging techniques to change the current drug development processes. New innovative drugs should reach the market years faster and be less costly to develop. Therefore, besides drug development consultancy services we aim to achieve our goal of making the drug development process more efficient by regularly hosting events. We are planning some exciting training sessions in the field of molecular optical imaging for 2023. Follow  us on LinkedIn page or sign up for our newsletter below to be the first to know.


Other Services

Chemistry Manufacturing Control (CMC)

TRACER CMC pharmaceutical expertise streamlines the development and manufacturing of your clinical trial material.

Drug development

TRACER is changing the drug development landscape with accurate data for early go/no-go decisions.

Optical tracers

TRACER provides the complete clinical translation of optical tracers.